
soil element Learn more about soil element

  • Matters needing attention in the application of trace element fertilizer

    Matters needing attention in the application of trace element fertilizer

    Matters needing attention in the application of trace element fertilizer

  • Matters needing attention in the use of trace element fertilizer

    Matters needing attention in the use of trace element fertilizer

    Matters needing attention in the use of trace element fertilizer

  • Five points for attention in applying trace element fertilizer

    Five points for attention in applying trace element fertilizer

    The production of green food also requires restrictions on the use of fertilizers. So what are the fertilizers allowed to be used? one。 Farm fertilizer. Refers to fertilizer that contains a large amount of biological matter, animal and plant residues, excreta, biological waste and other substances. 1. Compost. With all kinds of straw, fallen leaves, human and animal faeces.

  • Is it affected by the harm of rare earth elements in tea? How can there be rare earth elements in tea?

    Is it affected by the harm of rare earth elements in tea? How can there be rare earth elements in tea?

    A few years ago, most of the 10, 000 boxes of tea MOU in Beinong could not be realized, so the pesticide residues exceeded the standard. Or does the content of rare earth elements exceed the standard? Chen Jizhong, chairman of the Council of Agriculture, believes that the MOU jump of Beinong's tea is related to China's unique testing standards for rare earth elements, not pesticides.

    2019-04-04 Tea containing rare earth elements is harmful has an impact what how?
  • Water-soluble fertilizer: rich in nutrients to promote growth, water-saving and fertilizer-saving

    Water-soluble fertilizer: rich in nutrients to promote growth, water-saving and fertilizer-saving

    First, a small amount of repeated application can improve the utilization rate of water-soluble fertilizer. If it is flushed, it will be about 10 kg per mu / time, and if it is sprayed, it will be diluted 500-800 times. Second, water-soluble fertilizer is generally used as topdressing, and the suitable variety and amount of water-soluble fertilizer should be selected according to the amount of base fertilizer and crop growth. The third is opposite.

  • Standard for water-soluble fertilizers with medium elements

    Standard for water-soluble fertilizers with medium elements

    The content of medium element is agragpash L100; the content of water insoluble matter, ghammer L50 × PH (diluted by 1PUR 250) 3.0-9.0; the content of medium element (H2O)% 3.0; the content of medium element refers to the content of calcium or magnesium or the sum of the content of calcium and magnesium is not less than 1.0%, and both calcium and magnesium should be included in the medium.

    2020-11-09 Medium element Water soluble Fertilizer Standard medium content
  • Prevention and treatment of element deficiency of cut rose in production

    Prevention and treatment of element deficiency of cut rose in production

    When there is a lack of nutrient elements, the main reasons for the lack of nutrient elements are as follows: the difference or error of effective components in fertilizer is not consistent with the actual amount of fertilizer; the improper operation of fertilizer and fertilization results in precipitation and loss, which makes the proportion of nutrient elements out of balance; soil pH value, soil temperature and poor permeability affect the effectiveness of nutrient elements, so that rose can not effectively absorb nutrients. Therefore, in soil cultivation, as long as we adhere to normal fertilization, it is generally not easy to lack large and medium elements, sometimes due to the rapid growth and high consumption of rose.

  • Soil element growth cycle

    Soil element growth cycle

    The growth cycle of soil element is 8-9 months, and a generation needs to go through three stages: egg, nymph and adult. it takes about 8 months for males to grow wings, and it takes 9-11 months for females to grow wings. Males die 5-7 days after mating, and one week after mating.

    2020-11-11 Earth element growth cycle soil element 8-9 months
  • The grape leaves are yellowing. What's going on?

    The grape leaves are yellowing. What's going on?

    Drug damage if the whole rapid leaves turn yellow, the possibility of drug damage is greater. If root and leaf diseases are several leaves and some leaves are yellowing, and there is a process of development, then root diseases and leaf diseases are more likely. If there is a lack of trace elements, the leaves are only yellowing between the veins.

  • Trace elements needed for soybean growth and their application

    Trace elements needed for soybean growth and their application

    The normal growth of soybean needs some trace elements, among which molybdenum, boron, zinc, manganese and so on are more important. Molybdenum is a component of nitrogenase in soybean nodules and an indispensable component in the normal life activities of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Boron is also very important in the life activities of soybeans, such as poor root development, poor nodule growth and loss of nitrogen fixation ability. Therefore, attention must also be paid to trace elements. Can the trace elements needed for soybeans be satisfied from the soil? It depends on the abundance and deficiency of trace elements in the soil and the state of the environment. Such as low-lying or non-drainage

  • Effect of Trace element Water-soluble Fertilizer on yield and quality of Citrus

    Effect of Trace element Water-soluble Fertilizer on yield and quality of Citrus

    Effect of Trace element Water-soluble Fertilizer on yield and quality of Citrus A large number of element water-soluble fertilizer is a liquid or solid water-soluble fertilizer made of a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and adding an appropriate amount of medium or trace elements.

  • Selenium, cobalt and zinc deficiency in deer

    Selenium, cobalt and zinc deficiency in deer

    The uneven geographical distribution of trace elements and substandard feeding and management will lead to trace element deficiency diseases. Targeted and appropriate addition of essential trace elements for deer is the most effective way to prevent and treat trace element deficiency diseases of deer. Trace elements are catalysts for a variety of enzymes and activity regulators for proteins, fats, polysaccharides, nucleic acids, vitamins and hormones in deer. Trace elements cannot be synthesized in deer and must be ingested from feed, but they are excreted continuously; therefore, according to

  • 2019 life in the five elements lack of water to raise plants what good

    2019 life in the five elements lack of water to raise plants what good

    People who lack water or like water in the five elements are prone to various kidney diseases. In 2019, health is worrying. If the feng shui at home is not good, the eight characters are unfavorable, or the year is too old, then bad luck will continue to fall on themselves and their families. 2019 life in the five elements lack of water to raise plants what good

  • What are the three elements of fertilizer?

    What are the three elements of fertilizer?

    What are the three elements of fertilizer?

  • China's total grain output has increased for 11 consecutive years, and it is basically not a problem for people to have enough to eat, but satiety does not mean eating well. People do not get enough trace elements and vitamins through food, which is called hidden hunger. The latest status of Nutrition and Health of Chinese residents

    2016-03-20 Beware eat
  • Stocking density of soil element

    Stocking density of soil element

    Stocking density of soil element

  • The culture method of big snow element

    The culture method of big snow element

    1. The light big snow element does not have the high request to the light, it prefers the shade, is suitable to grow in the shady place, the leaf grows more softly. two。 The suitable growth temperature of Daxue is 15-28 ℃, and it should not be more than 30 ℃ in summer. Shading and cooling treatment should be done in time, and the air temperature in winter should be kept above 0 ℃.

  • Techniques of Flower cultivation on coping with Trace element deficiency in Flowers

    Techniques of Flower cultivation on coping with Trace element deficiency in Flowers

    Techniques of Flower cultivation on coping with Trace element deficiency in Flowers

  • What are the manifestations of element deficiency in flowers?

    What are the manifestations of element deficiency in flowers?

    What are the manifestations of element deficiency in flowers?

  • What should black sugarcane continuous cropping pay attention to?

    What should black sugarcane continuous cropping pay attention to?

    What should black sugarcane continuous cropping pay attention to? One of the main reasons for the low yield and poor quality of black-skinned sugarcane is that the soil lacks magnesium, silicon, calcium, zinc, boron, iron, molybdenum, manganese and other trace elements, resulting in insufficient supply of trace elements, resulting in poor growth of sugarcane.
